J.K. Rowling Had The Perfect Retort To Trump’s Gross Tweet Straight From Abraham Lincoln! See More Of The Best Responses HERE!

We didn’t think it was possible, but
We all watched the excellent smolder Mika used to defend herself, but Trump is the President of the United States and( sort of) the Leader of the Free World. So he offended a LOT of the persons with his petty, disgusting attack.
Maybe our favorite answer is from a former POTUS, by way of a Brit. J.K. Rowling shared:
‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to experiment a man’s character, give him power.’ Abraham Lincoln pic.twitter.com/ vkJnlXbnXg
J.K. Rowling (@ jk_rowling) June 29, 2017Ha! We can’t wait for Trump to try to come up with a catchier nickname for Lincoln than Honest Abe. It’ll likely be something to do with his looks.
But there were a lot of other offended parties with some pretty strong words for the president. Recognize best available from celebs, writers, and politicians from BOTH sides of the aisle( below ):
I find Melania’s campaign to terminate cyber bullying is off to a slow start
John Legend (@ johnlegend) June 29, 2017I DIDNT SEE IT BUT I HEARDDDDDD
christine teigen (@ chrissyteigen) June 29, 2017Every time someone announces the president is a child or a toddler all I can think of is I’ve never met a child who’s this much of a dick.
Rachel Dratch (@ TheRealDratch) June 29, 2017Never imagined a day when I would think to myself, “it is beneath my dignity to answer the President of the United States.”
Mark Kornblau (@ MarkKornblau) June 29, 2017This be brought to an end we all have a undertaking 3 branches of govt and media. We dont have to get on, but we must show respect and civility.
Sen. Susan Collins (@ SenatorCollins) June 29, 2017If you can’t stifle the press, then you assault them personally. Today’s tweets from Donald Trump are unpresidential and warrant an apology.
Ed Markey (@ SenMarkey) June 29, 2017Besides possible obstruction of justice& treason, we have a childish mentally unstable bully in the WH. We have 25 th Amend. for a reason.
Rob Reiner (@ robreiner) June 29, 2017Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics , not the greatness of America.
Lindsey Graham (@ LindseyGrahamSC) June 29, 2017To call Trump’s attacks on @morningmika& @JoeNBC “unpresidential” scarcely begins to describe the impropriety. Mr. President, delight grow up. https :// t.co/ wgTISkL2 9U
Senator Jeff Merkley (@ SenJeffMerkley) June 29, 2017Is there a mother in America who wouldn’t punish “their childrens” for publicly humiliating the status of women like this? pic.twitter.com/ 6cBbUi37bf
Jim Himes (@ jahimes) June 29, 2017Trump said he doesn’t watch Morning Joe.
I think he might have appreciated THIS, though.
It clearly specified him off. #ThursdayThoughts pic.twitter.com/ NSBohtHZHv
Holly O’Reilly (@ AynRandPaulRyan) June 29, 2017Donald Trump is an evil version of Michael Scott.
Scott Dworkin (@ funder) June 29, 2017I do not reckon “re making fun of” a woman’s gazes is acceptable. I get it every day of my life. I think that tweet is cruel – and unpresidential
Meghan McCain (@ MeghanMcCain) June 29, 2017[ Image via Johnny Louis/ WENN .]
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Posted by dj0pium
- Posted in Top DJ Gossip
Jul, 18, 2017
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