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This is the cruelest slack add-on ever created, and we love it

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Slack is a powerful tool, and with great power arrives the great responsibility…to screw with your coworkers.

A new Slack add-on from programmer Will Leinweber does merely that, in pretty much the most diabolical route possible. Basically, whenever anyone else starts typing it shows them a content that you, too, happen to be typing. And when they stop? That content goes away.

You consider the problem — or, instead, the possibility .

“I made a VGP( very good program) that establishes it so it looks like I’m typing on Slack whenever anyone else is typing, and stops when they stop, ” he tweeted out along with a video of the program in action. “Everyone adores it so far and doesn’t find it bothering at all! “

Leinweber helpfully uploaded replied program to Github, so the madness can spread. We’re sure offices around the world are thanking him as you read this.

We reached out to Leinweber in an attempt to find out just what, exactly, invigorated this broadside against all societal standards of workplace modesty, but have received no reply as of press day.

But we expect to hear back from him at any moment. After all, we can plainly should be noted that Will Leinweber is typing.

Update: April 26, 2018, 11:40 a.m. PDT: Leinweber did, indeed, get back to us, and shared some of the project’s backstory.

“I’ve been inducing small-minded, fun little things like this for a long time, ” he told Mashable over email. “An older one “thats one” of my favourites is ‘redirect blame‘ […] which you can use as your error page to attain people envision their internet connect is down instead of your site.”

“It actually added together in like 10 times, ” he added. “I thought it’d take much longer, but the libraries I used had all the hard work done, it was just a matter of piecing things together.”

Notably, Leinweber explained that while the code is all up on Github, it’s not exactly plug and play — “It’s likely not easy for non-programmers as it stands.” Which, honestly, is probably for the best.

Read more: https :// 2018/04/ 26/ slack-add-on-prank /~ ATAGEND

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